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Titre: The phenomenological confidence of the teacher in conducting learning projects
Auteur(s): Rondinel Carrillo, Rosa Ines
Tarazona Miranda, Victor Hilario
Ochoa Tataje, Freddy Antonio
Guevara Fernandez, Ricardo
Shardin Flores, Linda
Uribe Martinez, Joel
Mots-clés: Relaciones maestro estudiante
Proyectos de investigación
Crítica e interpretación
Editeur: Universidad Continental
Date de publication: 2020 25-fév-2021
Référence bibliographique: Rondinel, R., Tarazona, V., Ochoa, F., Guevara, R., Shardin, L., Uribe, J. (2020). The phenomenological confidence of the teacher in conducting learning projects. International Journal of Higher Education, 9(9).
Résumé: The present research intends to capture in essence the meaning of teachers' experiences in relation to confidence in the management of learning projects, deepened through the hermeneutical phenomenological method, the qualitative approach and the interpretive paradigm. The sample was made up of teachers who were successful in the implementation of learning projects. They were asked to narrate an anecdote, used with a conversational interview as an instrument for collecting their experiences. From the analysis and interpretation of the data, individual thematic units emerged, such as individual physiognomy, motivation, values, confidence, mistrust, frustration, reflection, satisfaction, vocation, teamwork, autonomy and commitment. After categorization, the central theme or group physiognomy 'teacher confidence' reflected in the phenomenological text was conceived. It is concluded that, in environments of trust and security, comprehensive values are developed to optimize learning and project development.
metadata.dc.format.extent: [10] páginas
metadata.dc.rights.accessRights: Acceso abierto
metadata.dc.source: Universidad Continental
Repositorio Institucional - Continental
Collection(s) :Artículos Científicos

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