Utilizza questo identificativo per citare o creare un link a questo documento: https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12394/8407
Titolo: III Congreso Internacional de Tendencias en Innovación Educativa Proceedings
Autori: Villalba-Condori, Klinge Orlando
Lavonen, Jari
Hsiang Wong, Lung
Yadav, Aman
Parole chiave: Innovación educativa
Editore: Universidad Continental. Fondo Editorial
Data: dic-2020
metadata.dc.date.available: 25-gen-2021
Citazione: Villalba, K., Lavonen, J., Hsiang, J., Yadav, A. (2020). III Congreso Internacional de Tendencias en Innovación Educativa Proceedings. Perú: Universidad Continental: Fondo Editorial.
Abstract: CITIE 2020, enfocado en Educación Digital Post COVID-19, debido al contexto de la pandemia se ha desarrollado de forma virtual. CITIE promueve espacios de diálogo y reflexión entre profesores, gestores e investigadores relacionados con la educación. Esta edición de CITIE ha permitido la socialización de las tendencias e innovaciones que se están manifestando ellos mismos en diversos contextos educativos. En esta ocasión se han realizado 80 manuscritos de los cuales 36 fueron aceptados para presentación, estos se enmarcan en las áreas temáticas de este edición: • Educación digital. • Tendencias en educación. • Innovación educativa. Entendemos que la educación es la única herramienta de cambio en la sociedad y estos espacios de la socialización, como CITIE, favorece este desarrollo.
metadata.dc.description.tableofcontents: A literatura review of the youtube phenomenon and the teaching and learning practices -- Collaborative construction of a wiki to promote self-learning of discrete mathematics: a university experience -- Theoretical approach to the problem of macro-micro relationships in se-ondary chemistry teaching: A proposal base don observation and infer-ence -- Student´s experience of a short-term study abroad program in the US -- A content análisis of teacher reaction towards the aggressors : some preliminary results -- Developing technical writing for engineering students under a paper confer-ence format -- Effetcs of a voice training program through anchor app on public speaking anxiety in college students -- Developing problem-solving skills in engineering: a team-work visual method-ology approach -- Digital learning tolos for security inductions in mining interns: a PLS-SEM análisis -- The experience and cognitive performance as a gamer during the use of educational video games -- Foundation of the need for the development of digital skills in teachers: the case of a continental university -- Learning styles and flipped clasroom: an experience in secondary school -- Assessment of research skills at an undergraduate translation program in Lima, Perú -- Incidence of brain gym in improving concentrationin first year architecture students -- Desing thinking and business incubators in universities of Cusco, Perú -- Current school needs from the intercultural approach -- Technological accessibiity and online educational methodologies associated with the achievement of learning in obstetric students during the COVID-19 Pandemic -- VIRTUALECTO storytelling content creation platform using augmented reality and virtual reality -- The university teaching practice in virtual education: reflections for teaching apdatation -- Toward a more coherent framework for comprehensive sexuality education policies in Perú -- Learning from students. Uses of non-formal digital spaces in distance higher education -- The concept of competence in higher education university teachers: case study -- The effectiveness o fan executive functions programon reducing sociolinguistic communicative disorders in children with Autism -- Typical behaviors related to corruption in university students in Puno. Perú -- Usability experience in the calculation of pharmacokinetic parameters with software: phenytoin case -- Idbookstore: an innovation digital book design user experience with ubiquity Smart reader -- Evaluation of the indexo f similarity detected by turnitin in research projects of a master´s degree in higher education -- Strengthening capacities o fan academic network of digital fabrication laboratories and the role of international collaboration in times of COVID-19 -- Measuring students´competencies with sharelook as a digital portfolio -- Use of music to enable the social inclusión of deaf children using robotics and recreational activities -- Assessing the quality of higher education facing COVID-19 new challenges -- An open educational game base don repurpose for teaching technical english in the contexto f computer programming at Brazil -- Collaborative learning and text producctions of original texts -- Validation of a model in PLS-SEM on the influence of social networks and the learning achievement in the áreas of communication and science and technology in high school studentes in times of COVID-19 -- Immersive experience through virtual reality app to generate spaces for synchronous interaction -- Post COVID-19 macrotrends in the pedagogical practice of professors.
metadata.dc.description.note: Primera edición e-book
metadata.dc.relation.conferencedate: 2020-12-09
metadata.dc.relation.conferencename: III Congreso Internacional de Tendencias en Innovación Educativa Proceedings
metadata.dc.relation.conferenceplace: Universidad Continental, Perú
metadata.dc.format.extent: 371 páginas
metadata.dc.rights.accessRights: Acceso abierto
È visualizzato nelle collezioni:Fondo Editorial

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