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コレクションアイテム(投稿日の降順ソート): 1 - 19 / 19
2021Scientific Writing Series: Systematic ReviewQuispe, Antonio M.; Hinojosa-Ticona, Yessica; Miranda, Herbert A.; Sedano, Claudia A.
2021Factors associated with high-grade erectile dysfunction (ED) in tuberculosis patients from a hospital in Lima, PeruReyes-Paredes, Marjorie; Valladares-Garrido, Mario Josué; Ichiro Peralta, Christopher; Dominguez-Troncos, Helena; Grandez-Urbina, Antonio
2021Use of medicinal plants for COVID-19 prevention and respiratory symptom treatment during the pandemic in Cusco, Peru: A cross-sectional surveyVillena-TejadaI, Magaly; Vera-Ferchau, Ingrid; Cardona-Rivero, Anahı ́; Zamalloa- Cornejo, Rina; Quispe-Florez, Maritza; Frisancho-Triveño, Zany; Abarca- Meléndez, Rosario C.; Alvarez-Sucari, Susan G.; Mejia, Christian R.; Yañez, Jaime A.
2021High altitude and cancer: An old controversyCalderon Gerstein, Walter S.; Torres Samaniego, Gabriela
2020COVID-19 and its relationship with vulnerable populationsAquino-Canchari, Christian Renzo; Quispe-Arrieta, Rocío del Carmen; Huaman Castillon, Katia Medalith
2020The Peru approach against the COVID-19 infodemic: Insights and strategiesAlvarez-Risco, Aldo; Mejia, Christian R.; Delgado-Zegarra, Jaime; Del-Aguila-Arcentales, Shyla; Arce-Esquivel, Arturo A.; Valladares-Garrido, Mario J.; Rosas del Portal, Mauricio; Villegas, León F.; Curioso, Walter H.; Chandra Sekar, M.
2020Covid-19: Epidemic of non-scientific information on Peruvian facebook groupsContreras, Pavel J.; Aguirre-Ipenza, Rubén; Pérez, Sandy; Contreras, Winnie; Loyola, Steev
2020Us and the others. The power of symbolic elites in the framework of the Corso de la Amistad (2015-2018) in ArequipaCaballero Medina, Carlos Arturo; Duche Pérez, Aleixandre Brian; Arias Chávez, Dennis
2021El cambio climático en los andes y su impacto en la agricultura: una revisión sistemáticaLozano Povis, Arlitt; Alvarez Montalván, Carlos E.; Moggiano, Nabilt
2021Blanca Sol or the forgetfulness of the «August and sublime mission of Wife and Mother»Huaman, Rubí
2020Six hundred years of South American tree rings reveal an increase in severe hydroclimatic events since mid-20th centuryMorales, Mariano S.; Cook, Edward R.; Barichivich, Jonathan; Christie, Duncan A.; Villalba, Ricardo; LeQuesne, Carlos; Srur, Ana M.; Ferrero, M. Eugenia; González-Reyes, Álvaro; Couvreux, Fleur; Matskovsky, Vladimir; Aravena, Juan C.; Lara, Antonio; Mundo, Ignacio A.; Rojas, Facundo; Prieto, María R.; Smerdon, Jason E.; Bianchi, Lucas O.; Masiokas, Mariano H.; Urrutia-Jalabert, Rocio; Rodriguez-Catón, Milagros; Muñoz, Ariel A.; Rojas-Badilla, Moises; Alvarez, Claudio; Lopez, Lidio; Luckman, Brian H.; Lister, David; Harris, Ian; Jones, Philip D.; Williams, A. Park; Velazquez, Gonzalo; Aliste, Diego; Aguilera-Betti, Isabella; Marcotti, Eugenia; Flores, Felipe; Muñoz, Tomás; Cuq, Emilio; Boninsegna, José A.
3-6月-2019Publication of works presented in medical student forums at national level in Cuba, 2016 and 2017Corrales-Reyes, I.E.; Fornaris-Cedeño, Y.; Dorta-Contreras, A.J.; Mejia, C.R.
3-6月-2019Complementary feeding practices, sociodemographic characteristics and their association with anemia in Peruvian children aged 6-12 monthsLópez-Huamanrayme, E.; Atamari-Anahui, N.; Rodriguez-Camino, M.C.; Mirano-Ortiz-De-Orue, M.G.; Quispe-Cutipa, A.B.; Rondón-Abuhadba, E.A.; Pereira-Victorio, C.J.
2-2月-2018Reference time associated with the maternal mortality cause in the Regional Hospital Materno Infantil 'El Carmen', 2009-2015Mejia, C.R.; Cárdenas, M.M.; Miñan-Tapia, A.; Torres-Riveros, G.S.
30-12月-2019Short term planning. Incidence of urban infrastructure on the urban heritage: The case of the "ambiente Urbano Monumental 15 de Junio", Huancayo, Perú, 1970-2019Peña Zamalloa, Gonzalo
1-6月-2020The Digital Competence in the University TeacherOcana-Fernandez, Yolvi; Valenzuela-Fernandez, Luis; Morillo-Flores, Jhon
27-6月-2020Low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave treatment improves erectile function in non-responder PDEi5 patients: A systematic reviewGrandez-Urbina, Jose Antonio; Pichardo Rodríguez, Rafael; Torres-Román, Junior Smith; Saldaña-Gallo, Jorge; García-Perdomo, Herney Andrés
10月-2019Transferable mechanisms of quinolone resistance from 1998 onwardRuiz, J.
1-5月-2020Pharmacogenomics of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseasesCacabelos, R.
コレクションアイテム(投稿日の降順ソート): 1 - 19 / 19