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Titel: Numerical simulation of the 1940 Lima-Peru earthquake and tsunami (Mw 8.0)
Autor(en): Jiménez, C.
Moggiano, N.
Stichwörter: Desastres naturales
Herausgeber: Universidad Continental
Erscheinungsdatum: Feb-2020 3-Jul-2020 2020
Zitierform: Julián-Jiménez, A., Supino, M., Loro Chero, L. (2020). Towards the definition of Sepsis-4: Diagnostic and prognostic power of biomarkers to improve the management of sepsis in the emergency department [Hacia la definición de Sepsis-4: poder diagnóstico y pronóstico de los biomarcadores para mejorar el tratamiento de la sepsis en los servicios de urgencias]. Medicina Clinica, 154(4), 147-148.
Zusammenfassung: In this research, we have conducted a numerical simulation to obtain the seismic source, coseismic deformation field, and the tsunami propagation of the great Lima-Peru 1940 earthquake and tsunami, based on macroseismic information and focal mechanism from the literature. The seismic dimensions of our preferred model were set at 162 km×71 km according to VIII isoseismal intensity. The slip distribution is homogeneous with a mean value of 2.7 m. The fault plane orientation was set at strike = 330∘, dip = 20∘, and rake = 90∘. The maximum simulated uplift was 1.27 m and the maximum subsidence was 0.36 m. Due to the proximity of the seismic source to the coast, the city of Huacho was uplifted around 11 cm. The fault plane of the 1940 earthquake was located in the updip near the coast. The maximum tsunami height simulated in Huacho was 1.80 m. We suggest that there is a high tsunamigenic potential near the trench to generate a shallow earthquake.
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metadata.dc.format.extent: p. 89-99
metadata.dc.rights.accessRights: Restringido
metadata.dc.source: Universidad Continental
Repositorio Institucional - Continental
Enthalten in den Sammlungen:Artículos Científicos

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