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Title: Project-oriented learning for the achievement of educational outcomes
Authors: Espinoza-Suarez, S.
Falen, J.M.M.
Chipana, S.S.
Villalba-Condori, K.O.
Castro-Cuba-Sayco, S.
Keywords: Estrategias de aprendizaje
Publisher: Universidad Continental
Issue Date: 2019 7-Jul-2020
Abstract: This article exposes the practice and results of the use of the methodology Project Oriented Learning, developed over 6 years-during the semesters concerned from the Third to the Sixth semester-with the students of the Heavy Machinery Maintenance Management Career belonging to the Tecsup Educational Institution in Lima, Peru. For its execution, processes were generated-and currently are generated-administrative that are added to the Apostolate of Teacher Advisors with allocation of hours for accompaniment recognized by the Institution-The first Educational Outcomes was an average of 33% of graduates with a Professional Degree 6 months after completing their studies. The success in the functioning of this Methodology was due-and now it is due to-the correct performance of those who were-and are in the present-involved, for which in this opportunity the pertinent and just mention is made. The Integrating Projects in the formation Higher Academic-as it was proved convincingly-allowed-and currently allow-to develop the technical and personal competences enunciated in the profile of the student, during the respective professional training, as Educational Outcomes. The competences developed through the application of this Methodology-as we have described here-correspond to the areas of Innovation, Design and Management, with an achievement percentage of 82% in the semester 2017. Likewise, it can be verified that the graduates apply their knowledge of mathematics, science and technology to identify and solve problems in 85% of achievement. In addition, they operated effectively as a team with a 94% achievement and allowed a 93% achievement in the generation of communication competence effectively in oral, written and graphic.
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metadata.dc.format.extent: p. 639-648
metadata.dc.rights.accessRights: Restringido
metadata.dc.source: Universidad Continental
Repositorio Institucional - Continental
Appears in Collections:Artículos Científicos

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